
Breath of The Wild isn’t Zelda

Breath of The Wild isn’t Zelda 2017 retro reaction Appreciated the changes to gameplay, not the changes to Zelda

Rot of Bad Apple

  Death trap of Cultural Corruption

The Wedding Orator

Anton Checkhov was a Russian writer who is notable for the principle “One must not put a loaded rifle on the stage if no one is thinking of firing it.” popularly called Checkhov’s Gun (Burn Notice creator Matt Nix produced a hilarious, meta-referential short film in his earlier days titled Chekhov’s Gun) He was very prolific and among his many works are a number of awesome short stories. My favorite that I came across is a short called The Orator. I wrote this short inspired by The Orator.

Neon Bachelorettes

“I still get the $3,000 you owe me, right?”